Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Journey Home..

We all move to different places in our lives, whether it's physically moving to another town or state and other times we move to another place mentally. My life's journey has been both. I've come a long way, both physically and mentally. It's all a part of growing and maturing. I love being the age I am today and how my life is today. I guess I tend to get a little more sentimental on days when babies are coming home to their forever families...I have two coming home tonight! So the pictures below are from when I came home to my forever family...twice in my life. The first one is when I was 4 1/2 years old, the second one is when I was 5 1/2 years old. I will be traveling back to Korea again the end of June...getting closer! But this time, my entire family is traveling with me. Seems so surreal right now, but I am so excited to see Korea thru the eyes of my kids! I have learned that the journey home is how you view your life and where you decide to place your roots and most of all, your heart.

1 comment:

AMY said...

You are SOOOOO cute!