Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Someone Please Slap Me!

When we moved into this house, we swore we would never ever move again.  We weren't going to move from our last house either because we built that house just for us, then almost ten years later, we moved into this house.  

Yesterday, we received an email out of the blue from the former owners of this house asking us if we would be willing to sell the house back to them?  What the what?  After the initial shock and lots of talking at the dinner table and driving around the neighborhood, we were actually thinking of moving...this is where someone should have slapped me silly.

Moving into this house was a huge under taking, not only with the actual move, but with upgrading too, which we did not plan on.  We have grown to love this house, getting things settled here and there and making it our home.  We are even adding new furniture after our oldest has taken some of the old furniture for her house.  We love our house, we love the view, we have plans will have lived here two years come August, we are here for good, right?  Right?

So why the heck would I even think of moving again?  Maybe the pain of moving is like giving birth, once it's over, you forget the pain that you endured.  Seriously, I hated moving.  It's so much work unpacking.  It took me a long time to unpack, especially the kitchen, because I wanted that just right and exactly the way I wanted...I didn't have that in my last home, someone else unpacked it for me which drove me crazy.

I feel like we de-cluttered before moving into this house, but it's amazing how much more stuff one accumulates after a move.  I don't even want to think of packing up everything, no way.  SLAP!  Phew! Thank you!  Now snap out of it and get on with the day!

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