Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Going Back to My Roots

I'm heading back to Korea after not being there for two years!  I can't believe it myself!  Now I just have to cross my fingers that there won't be some new virus that develops around the world.  My trip in 2010 was cancelled due to H1N1 and I didn't plan on going the following year.  

I'm really looking forward to going back, I have truly missed Korea.  And I am going early with a great friend so it will be a lot of fun and another great friend will be in the group too!  

I think I've really appreciated my Korean heritage in that past few years.  I've eaten more Korean food, I've actually brought kimchee into my house, and I've now learned how to cook Korean food!  Will I learn how to speak Korean?  No, I just don't have the mind set for learning the language.  

I have a wonderful hubby to support me in traveling to Korea (or anywhere else), I couldn't do it without his support.  How many hubbys out there would accept their wives wanting to travel at anytime they felt like it?  My hubby is just that great and he's all mine, I'm so lucky!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This post makes me smile. :))