Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Empathy Stress

When our children go thru life events, we as parents go thru it with them and stress along with them. I think we as parents stress even more for our children because we want things to go smoothly and go the way they had envisioned. We want our children to avoid the hurt and disappointment if things don't turn out. So hard not to be in control of these situations. Life isn't always fair and our children have to experience these ups and downs. I just wish I didn't stress out so much for them!

I think I do a good job of not showing my stress to my kids, at least I hope so. No matter the outcome, I always feel the relief of it being over. But then again, there is always something around the corner isn't there? Time to regroup, take a deep breath and hope for the best for the next life event.

So last week, my oldest daughter was going thru rush at college. I never went thru rush, but know enough about this event that I was totally stressed out, not only because I hadn't gone thru it, but also because I really didn't know much about the sororities. I tried my best to read background information on a few of them and of course, I picked out one that I thought best fit my daughter. But then again, this wasn't about me. All I could do was 'advise and support' from afar.

I would get updates daily on the activities and which house would be cut from her choices. The stress!!! Ahhh!! So Bid Day was yesterday and my daughter decided to 'suicide' and bid for only one house...more stress and I had to wait all day to hear if it was official or not...breathe...breathe...

The outcome...she got her bid!! PHEW!! And btw, she's in the house that I had picked from the start that I thought would best fit her, I DO know my daughter so well!! Way to go my Alpha baby!

1 comment:

AMY said...

You are soooo funny. I'm sure that Erika is thrilled that you can say that you picked the house from the start. Hahaha... Way to go Erika!!!