Monday, December 31, 2007
New Year's Eve Dinner
Pearl Harbor
This is a Memorial for the 25th infantry at Wheeler Army Air Field:
The symbol representing a fallen soldier:
Kim and Kora standing next to a helicopter used in the Korean war, can be seen at Wheeler Army Air Field:
We returned to our hotel around 1:30, long day after such an early start, but so worth it. We do recommend you take this tour in order to bypass the very, very long lines. Yes, it is a little more costly so if you don't have to worry about your entire day, then take your time and do the tour on your own. As we left Pearl Habor, there were people in line still waiting to get in.
We are now relaxing to gear up for our New Year's Eve dinner out to PF Chang's! Skip and Taylor do not blend in as well with the diverse group of Asian and Hawaiin poplulation and tourists as us ladies do, but I think Skip is liking the state of Hawaii uh lut, uh lut. He wakes up, turns on the tv and it's football, football all day long! We are anxious to experience the fireworks display tonight, supposed to be awesome and we should be able to watch them sitting on our lainai's outside of our rooms, won't that be sa-weet! Cha! I will take pictures and hopefully catch some nice fireworks to share. Until then, since all of our families on the mainland will ring in the New Year way before we do, we wish everyone a wonderful New Year's Eve celebration. Party it up and celebrate the fact that you have your health, and the love and support of your families and great friends! May 2008 bring all that you wish for, all that you dream of, and all that you DARE to dream of! Aloha!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Helicopter, helicopter over my head...
The inside of the waiting area of the theater above
Of course, we HAD to have some entertainment before the show and here he is(dedicated to Jeff and Jennie):
Sorry no pictures of the actual show, no cameras were allowed. The performance was good and some of the performers made me want to cover my eyes and hold my breath. We all enjoyed the show. We did manage to escape the line for the picture purchase at the end of the show...yes another way to get us to pay more money!
We have been to the island of Maui and we have come to the conclusion that Maui is so much more relaxed than Oahu. Not that we are regretting coming here. It's just a whole different experience. I am amazed at the amount of tourists here. I feel like I'm walking the streets of Seoul. And once again, I am not the minority, Skip is. There are a lot of Japanese and Chinese tourists here. I still get people thinking I am a local. Like yesterday, when I was waiting with Kora at the hair braid stand, an old gentleman said to me, 'You can't make money if you don't open up your stand'. I told him it wasn't mine. Apparently he didn't hear me and asked me, 'Do you work for wages or do you get a salary'. I told him, again, that this wasn't my stand, I was a tourist! He looked at me so surprised and said, 'Oh' and walked away. Amy, the girl that braided Kora's hair took about 45 minutes to do it. I don't think I could ever braid like that, way too small of braids for me. But good luck doing Em's hair and please take a picture for me. Kora wanted her whole head done, but I only had cash for half, darn it! And it is pricey here, like everything else, her whole head with longer hair would have been $90.
The shopping is unbelievable, the amount of stores everywhere, including inside all of the big hotels. It can get a wee bit overwhelming, yes I said that. It's just not what I would want to live near. I love more of what we experienced in Maui. The next island I would like to visit is Kauai. The locals here say that island is more laid back and more of the true Hawaiin culture.
I'm glad we came to Oahu, I got to see my friends Ken and Diane that I met when I went on the Vietnam/Cambodia trip last April. I went to their house today to meet their children, one daughter is adopted from Korea. Ken and Diane had invited two other couples that had adopted children from Korea to hear my own adoption journey. It was great to be able to share my story, as if I don't tell it, I won't be honoring the Holt's and David Kim for their hard work in givng me a chance at life.
To experience Waikiki though, it's been a great ride so far. We have sure done most of the touristy things. Tomorrow morning, we will be going to Pearl Harbor at 6:00am to avoid the lines, we actually signed up for hte VIP tour to avoid waiting, let's hope that plan works! Papa, Erika said she would write her report on her blog, I will have Taylor write his report on my blog.
Lynlee, Tara says hello and of course, so does your future hubby!
We will be celebrating New Year's Eve with dinner at PF Chang's then there are to be HUGE fireworks displays here. Ken and his family told me that the fireworks are so big that we will feel like we are being attacked...that should be quite the show and experience!
We wish we could be with family and all of our friends to celebrate and ring in the New Year, but know that you are in our hearts and minds as we say goodbye to 2007 and live 2008 the way God intended. Aloha!
Saturday Night
Waiting in line and look what I saw a Japanese boy wearing! For all of my Oregone fams, really hard trying to be inconspicuous and taking a picture of a little kid: Doesn't Kora look cute!
Taylor fer sure is a stud!
At the same table where we were was another family, assuming they were from India. Let's just say we had to endure their 1 1/2 year old not beng happy. About 1/2 hour into the meal, I see him walking below me on the next level, meaning his parents had no idea he wasn't at the table. His mom finally noticed and went the wrong direction looking for him so Skip told the father his son was walking around below. This little boy continued to scream and complain thru/out dinner. All we could do was roll our eyes and hope that wasn't going to last during the entire show. Then dessert came, some sort of cake with pretty red slick frosting and the other family's older son leaned over and poked his finger into Taylor's cake! Too funny. Only us huh and then not to mention that we had to pay extra for drinks and then they came around with our family picture, with two of the cast members, placed in a key chain. Skip was going nuts by now with all the extra charges and every restaurant taking our picture then wanting us to buy the picture. Kora wanted the key chain so badly, but we really didn't want buy the darn thing! Poor thing, she really was determined to get it.
The show was of an award winning illusionist, but first we had to endure the singing of a so called 'local', she lives in Kauai but I don't think she is a native. She reminded Skip of Sheri Oteri from SNL singing with Will Ferrell. Let's just say she was a 'lounge' singer type and it was very hard not to laugh. The magic show was awesome though and the Polynesian dancing was great. Thank goodness it turned out great after the start of the night with the family at our table and the lounge singer.
Tomorrow morning, we are off on the helicopter tour of the island, should be awesome! Good night, love to all and as they say in Hawaii, Aloha!