Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Additional info

I know I am tired when I forget details, but then again, I am not good with jet lag either. It's also hard for me to not be able to blog in the middle of the night when I can't sleep with other people in the same room sleeping. I had a tough time sleeping last night and would have liked to have blogged but oh well..

I forgot that after the health screening check, we waited in line forever for immigration. Of course, we chose one line thinking that would be the fastest line then ended up switching lines and yeah, you guessed it, it wasn't a good line. Other families in our tour were ahead of us and they went up as a family rather than individually so figured we could do the same thing. We all go up to the immigration officer, Skip handed out all the passports and the one male immigration officer looked at me and shooed me to the line. As in, back to the line. I told him I was with my family but he shooed me again gesturing I should go back to the beginning of the line and wait my turn. Hmmmm, guess I really blended in and he thought I wasn't a part of the family, but why me? Why not Skip? He's the one that is the minority of our family AND a minority in Korea! Weird.

Of course, I get Koreans speaking to me in Korean. I just look at them with a big smile and say, English.

Now onto to my day...


AMY said...

Hi Kim & all, keep blogging!!! I love hearing how you are all doing. So excited for all of you!!! Love to travel along with you. Please say "Hi" to my family. Love to all!! Yaya Judi

AMY said...

Sorry, Amy's blogger account was on my computer!