Thursday, May 3, 2012

Korea x's Two

It's official, I will be traveling to Korea two times in June with only one week home in between. I'm excited for both opportunities because they will be two different experiences.  My first trip will be one week with a wonderful friend and we will be staying at Ilsan with pretty much an open schedule to explore.

My second trip will be with the Holt Heritage Tour as the assistant to the tour leader, FINALLY!  I've been wanting to be the assistant for this tour for a very long time.  I'm looking forward to meeting the tour participants and sharing in this wonderful trip.  I remember going on this tour with my own family in 2009.  What a wonderful two weeks and filled with such great memories.  I've made life long friends from my many trips to Korea, I look forward to making many more friends on this one!

I am hoping my body will cooperate with me during the one week home and I will have caught up on my sleep.  Some people think I'm crazy for doing these two trips so close together, mainly my hubby, but I am ready and SO excited!!

1 comment:

Debbie Dunham said...

I'm glad to be one of those friends :-)