Friday, May 2, 2008


Today will mark a change for my mom, a huge change at that. She is moving back to Omaha after being in Arizona for over 20 years. Life changes so with my sister and brother in law, also in Arizona, are starting their plans for 'retirement' or close to will be planning their lives in Colorado. So that left my mom facing Arizona with no family. Her choice was Colorado or Omaha. My mom is still very young and still able to work, so Omaha was the better choice for working. Where my sister is planning on moving, the commute would be an hour to get to any bigger city.
This change also affects my family. My kids haven't had too much interaction with my mom, their Nana, so will be a great change for us. My kids are busy and growing up so fast that I think it is important to have my mom involved in their young lives too. My kids never knew my father so I think it is very important for them to be more involved with my mom and my side of the family. Yes, distance played a huge role in the amount of interaction with my side of the family, also finances were not available for us to travel years ago. Now it's getting too busy with the kids' schedules to travel so when we do travel for our kids' events, we make the best of it.
I wish my mother well for this change. Luckily, she still has friends here so will have their support also. I think this change will be good for everyone involved. With change, we have to be patient and take a deep breath when needed. I'm looking forward to having my mom here, I haven't had my family near me since I was a sophomore in, that's been a very long time!!


Debbie said...

Best wishes to both you and your mom on this move. I'm sure it will be a big change for her, but how nice for her to be closer to you and her grandchildren. My parents and I moved in with my grandma to take care of her, just before I started high school. In some ways it was really hard for me to live with her, but in other ways it was VERY rewarding. She taught me a lot about aging and attitude. I'm living some of what she taught me right now. Best wishes to everyone!

AMY said...

Yea! Momma time. Dow-dow-dow-dant-dant-dant. (To be said or sung like "Hammah Time!)