To get a new laptop when some of the keys stck ramdomly? Yes, 've had several keys at random moments stck and when type, that letter doesn't appear. can type t n when really push on t, but have to really focus and do t when am typng at my normal speed.
have a smaller laptop, love t for the thngs do for regular emals, volunteer actvtes, and household thngs. My kds use t for school snce t has the updated word on t to be compatble to send to ther school accounts.
When am tryng to catch up on emals and have a lot of typng to do, t really gets annoyng. Makes gettng thngs done take longer than 'd lke. So do go ahead and type away and not worry about the mssng letter? t's crazy tryng to read t though, even though you can fgure out what letter s mssng, sometmes.
One can tell use my laptop a lot because even some of the keys are worn off and you can't read what letter t s unless you look closely. Good thng know where the keys are automatcally. Okay, truth s, the keys are worn off because of my nals.
We are lookng nto a new famly computer, maybe need a new laptop? But then agan, really, really lke my laptop, love the sze of t for when travel too, so easy to take. As usual, lke my hubby says on thngs want to buy, can't push 'enter' and just buy t. know the stckng key wll come back, t usually does, but then agan, t'll be another key at some random tme. That makes lfe nterestng though doesn't t?
1 comment:
Get an i pad the keys don"t stick and it is light weight and I love mine!!!!
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