Thursday, December 15, 2011

Does Anyone Really Care?

When my hubby and I first got married, we began the tradition of writing creative Christmas letters, very creative.  Which then set the standard for future letters...annual letters!  Then when kids came along, we decided we would take turns writing the letters, he'll take one year, I'll take the next, you get the idea.  We've been married almost 22 years and we are still writing our annual Christmas letters.  Taking turns?  Not so much.  There have been years when my hubby has been too busy and stressed to think, let alone, write the letter.  Then there's been years when it was his turn, I had a stupendous idea pop into my head so I took his year.

I have to admit, we have set the bar way high with these letters.  I am currently working on the address labels...notice I am's taking me awhile to update the addresses and in the past, I have used a disk of some sort that had address label programs on them.  Well, I've had my Mac computer for over a year now and I'm still learning how to use it so I took on the task of merging my contacts from my yahoo account into my Apple address book.  Not as easy as the directions stated.  The thing that stumped me was when it stated: "Click on iSync"....uhhhhh, where was that option on my screen??  Couldn't find it for the life of me!  Until I looked up at the upper right of the screen and the icons sitting there, next to the bluetooth icon and so on, there is are two arrows going in a circle...could that be it?  I hovered the cursor over it, but nothing showed up to tell me what it was so I clicked anyway....that was the iSync icon!!!!!!!!  So why can't they use words to tell you where to click?  I don't know what all these symbols mean!  Anyway, the merge was complete, then onto the task of sorting for the annual Christmas labels.

I then figured out I can print the labels from this computer too from the address book after several times reading the "help" section.  So, after all of this work, is it worth it?  Do people really care what is going on in the lives of my family?  Do people take the time anymore to actually read Christmas letters?  I know I do.  I love catching up with everyone as sometimes this is the only form of staying connected I have with some people.  Though I do have to admit, when I see a letter that is in small font and more than two pages, I have to put it aside until I know I will have time to read it.  I don't want to just skim over these letters, I know all the hard work that goes into them!!

Okay, back to the labels....the count so far is 142, I'm sure more will be added, but at least I know how to do everything now from one computer!!!!!  Makes for one happy girl!

1 comment:

Debbie Dunham said...

I care! I love Christmas letters. And you know what? I write ours with an eye to the history it will provide for the kids somewhere down the line. If any of our friends and family read them, too, that's a bonus!