Thursday, December 2, 2010

Soap Changed My Attitude

Sounds silly, but the face wash I use daily really changed the way I saw myself and thus, changed me for the better. I wrote about this five years ago, yes, I've been using this same face wash for five years. Though I like to be spontaneous, I am also a person that needs routine and likes the same old same old.

Five years ago, I switched to using Purity by Philosophy. At that time, I thought I was being very indulgent because it seemed expensive to me. Every morning and every night, as I wash my face I read the bottle of Purity. Soon the words really sunk in. I began to see myself differently and began to think of what I wanted out of life. I was happy with being a wife and mom, but something was missing, me.

I began to remember my hopes and dreams I wanted out of life. I had achieved quite a lot already, but still, something was missing. 2005 was a significant year, my world, literally, opened up for me. I've been going ever since and today, I am living my hopes and dreams thanks to my soap.

Purity made simple:
"Philosophy: purity is natural. we come into this world with all the right instincts. we are innocent, and therefore perceive things as they should be, rather than how they are. our conscience is clear, our hands clean, and the world at large is truly beautiful. to begin feeling young again, we must feel clean. to feel clean we must cleanse ourselves daily with a little soap, lots of water, and love each step of the way."

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